

Vulgar text: Teacher arrested, colleagues cautioned

A high school teacher was arrested on charges of sending ‘ugly and sexual’ texts on WhatsApp to girl students in Purbasthali.

Vulgar text: Teacher arrested, colleagues cautioned

Photo: IANS

A high school teacher was arrested on charges of sending ‘ugly and sexual’ texts on WhatsApp to girl students in Purbasthali. The teacher’s two other colleagues were cautioned on similar charges.

Guardians exploded in protest and demanded the arrest of three teachers of a high school. They raided the school, blocked roads and detained the three accused teachers for several hours and the police failed to rescue them till late last evening.


Three teachers of a high school in Purbasthali in Kalna were accused of sending erotic text messages in the late night hours to some girl students of the school.


Also, the accused teachers of Kasthashali High School in Purbasthali were frequently ‘touching private organs’ of the girls while they were taking extra coaching classes. One of the accused teachers, Bijoy Sardar denied the charges saying all this was done to malign him. Two other accused teachers, Alamgir Hosen and Satyajit Chowdhury were later summoned by the police.

Niranjon Mondal, teacher in-charge of the school, said: “A few days ago, a mass petition by the protestors was submitted to my office and considering the gravity of the charges I had forwarded the same to the local police station for investigation.”

He added: “Before any investigation report from police was made available to my office, the locals suddenly erupted over the issue.”
